号称“全球最提神咖啡”,喝惯了星巴克、雀巢,已经失去味蕾的筒子或者具备冒险精神的筒子可以试试这款号称咖啡界黑暗料理的咖啡,在美亚并且评价不错。目前亚马逊海外购453g售价¥147.78,税费约¥13.45,到手约¥161.23,看看美帝网友的评价“Ok folks words of warning....if you have heart conditions ...ration out your coffee if you drink 24 oz starbuck grande you need a 8 oz. of this as your FIRST cup...im serious here heed my warning or you could end up cleaning your entire house, doing all your yard work, making love to your partner, waxing your car, building a garage or single handedly raising the titanic own your own ........all in the fist hour after drinking this wonderful coffee ...you have been warned.”一杯入魂,啥事都干。
Death Wish Coffee死亡之愿咖啡,官方宣称是世上最烈咖啡“The World's Strongest Coffee”,采用特殊的烘制方法,最大限度的保留了咖啡因的含量,咖啡因含量超过普通咖啡4倍,可发挥超强的提神效果。另外包装上醒目的警示图案也昭示着这款咖啡的终极效果。